8 Great Ideas To Help A Mom Entrepreneur Plan Her Year
Written by: Kelisha Mills Being a mom entrepreneur can be a challenging task, as you have to balance your responsibilities as a mother and a business owner. However, with proper…
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Written by: Kelisha Mills Being a mom entrepreneur can be a challenging task, as you have to balance your responsibilities as a mother and a business owner. However, with proper…
written by Deon Dewar Gray Miss Jill (Jack) of All Trades I've had a diverse career path over the past 27 years, more like an experiential adventure. And surprisingly, for…
She revealed her story via words muffled by sobs and snubs, words that conveyed so colorfully, to say the least, an undeniable repugnancy for the innocent partner (the wife). As she went on and on, it occurred to me that she was either totally oblivious or just had no regard that the person in whose bosom she nestled wore a wedding band...