Today is Galentines Day, and what better way to celebrate than to ask a few of our women about their plans as we roll into the LOVE-day tomorrow—how will they be treating themselves, and how can they show appreciation to themselves first. Self-love is a conversation that must be continued as women increasingly value themselves.
It is paramount for us to exist in a space of self-appreciation and understand the need to take care of ourselves and what that could look like. It is not being selfish; it is us finding ways to appreciate ourselves first and not exist in a space where our actions are driven by our expectations of how someone else treats us.
So we spoke with a few women, and here is how they would LOVE on themselves this Galentine’s Day onward into the V-day.
Christine Georgia CA. 49. I am leaving the kids with my husband and I am booking myself into a Spa for me time. Before anything else, I must get a Foot Massage and a back massage. I am doing my nails, toes, and the full 100. I find that with 3 children, I have to be deliberate about taking care of myself and going all out when I do. I feel no regret or guilt because I know when I do this for myself, they will benefit also.
Suen Ja 53. I create my own spa day at home with a therapeutic bubble bath, scented candles and a glass of red wine with classical music in the background. Sounds like something that happens mostly in movies? That is my reality when I choose to treat myself.
Carla Ja, 52. I give back by visiting a home for the aged. I take them nicely packaged lunches, and I sit, eat, and talk with them. I believe in removing the attention from me and sharing it with others.
Tameisha Ja 41. I do not believe that I have to spend the day with anyone. I cook myself a nice meal and have a glass of wine to go along with it; I can’t tell you which one because I have not bought it yet. I then put my feet up and watch a movie, not a romantic one, mind you. I love fantasy movies and something that will make me laugh and enjoy myself. I have learned the art of celebrating and loving myself.
Stacy-Ann Ja, 37. I am using the day to share love with others who are going through difficult situations. I am choosing one of these, an encouraging note, a prayer or a favourite dessert. The point is this, for me, there is nothing more uplifting than making it about someone else.
Khadine Ja. The minute I realise I am awake I will look at myself in the mirror and affirm myself. I will remind myself that I am alive for a reason.
Trish Fl 42. I am getting myself flowers and a 75% Cacao Chocolate Bar. I am going to enjoy music from the 90s. I also buy roses for 2 women every Valentine’s day, and I do this to encourage them and to express love & appreciation to them.
Carla T& T 41. Sleep is my love language, so I will be sleeping. I am taking a day of rest. I may also extend that to a Mochaccino *laugh*, but yes, I will be sleeping. That’s my self-love to me.
Karen GA 53. It doesn’t take a lot for me to celebrate myself. I will be pampering my feet as I am long overdue that. I have a book I have been meaning to read—The Litigators, by John Grisham, and I intend to curl up and dig into it after my pedicure appointment. My alone time, away from everything.
Jacqueline BA 48. I am kicking the day off by going to bed early the night before. I will not touch my phone for the first hour upon waking up. I will be deliberate about what I eat, so I will indulge in a strawberry protein smoothie, my fav to date. I will be mindful throughout the day and think of all the good I am. I will affirm specific scriptures over my life, such as Psalms 139:14.
Janice MO 51, Gift myself a meal at my favourite restaurant if they have availability for late bookings (my husband is still in Jamaica, so I am by myself). Otherwise, I will pamper myself at a spa and enjoy a good movie with a FaceTime conversation with my hubster.
Yve St Lucia 49, I will buy myself a cupcake, and drink a glass of wine, and wish myself a Happy Valentines Day!
Joniel JA 30. LOL, I forgot that it was going to be V-day and so I have a couple of errands planned, in any event, I usually postpone the day because of the crowd. I did buy myself a bottle of wine over the weekend, so I will have some of that and leave the pampering for later in the week.
Bell UK 42. I have a photoshoot planned and afterward, it’s lunch with some girlfriends to exhale, laugh and reminisce. I am not sure what beyond that entails but for sure that is what I will be doing for myself.
Other recommendations:
- Enjoy your morning tea or coffee, wake up your senses, smell the aroma, feel the steam against your skin, savour the taste, and relish the moment, do this away from everyone.
- While enjoying your coffee or tea, how about thinking about 3 things you appreciate about yourself? Then silently celebrate you.
- Call up a girlfriend and have lunch if your schedule permits.
- Get dressed for V-Day—outdo yourself. When others ask, you say because I love me, and I am worth it!
As women, we should go the extra mile to remind ourselves that we are indeed worthy of love and that we love ourselves. Forget about everything else and think about yourself. You deserve to be celebrated, and if not by you first, then who?
We hope the 14 shared above will inspire you to take time for yourself. You are not being selfish, you are preserving yourself. In the end, you will be better for your loved ones and others who you share space with!