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5 Ways Women Can Manage Themselves for Success

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I believe most women desire to be successful. And there is no debate that women, now more than ever, are becoming business owners, CEOs, and front runners in almost every industry worldwide. But, does one wake up one day and become successful?

What is the formula of success?
Anyone with the formula would be mighty rich simply because many of us would be running to get it, right? I believe there is no one answer, but different strategies employed over time can lead to success. These include managing ourselves and intentionally and relentlessly pursuing our goals. This pursuit will prove challenging at times, but it is achievable.

Let us look at five ways to manage ourselves for success.

Time Management
Ever heard the saying “time is money?” Well, it is true. Any successful woman will tell you that a vital key to success is proper use and management of our time. We live in a time now where our attention is divided among many different things. As women, we are not only the business mogul, but we are also mothers, wives, cooks, housekeepers, and so much more. But for us to achieve the type of success we are after, whether minimal or wide-scale, time management is a must. It starts with the little things we do day-to-day. What is your morning routine? How do you start your morning? Do you have a structure? How do you spend your free time? All of these little pieces of your day adds to the productiveness of your time spent. Managing yourself encompasses managing your time wisely.

It may sound a bit weird but, one of the ways to manage yourself for success is to manage yourself first. Ensure you are self-aware and self-sufficient. Take care of your mental, physical, spiritual, and psychological well-being; this you must do to succeed. The youth speak a lot about ‘chasing the bag’ these days, but remember you must be able to move to chase. Never allow your pursuit of success to be a priority over your health and well-being. If you do, it will all be for nothing, and you will not enjoy what you’ve worked so hard for. So, in the pursuit of success, managing yourself, your health, your well-being plays a significant part. Health is still wealth.

Circle Management
It cannot be stressed enough how vital your circle is when managing yourself for success. It is therefore imperative to manage your circle well. Know who should get the key to access your space and who should only watch from the doorway. You must ensure that those in your boat are rowing with you and not drilling holes to sink you.

Goal Management
Set those goals! If there is no plan, there is no chance. It is good to have a dream, but without concrete goals, it will remain a dream. Set the goals and manage them. Revisit them often to ensure they are still achievable, then continue towards achieving them; however, be open to change as needed. Have a clear vision about where you are going. Be intentional with every step you make, every phone call you take, and every meeting/interview you attend. Be aware and be present concerning every aspect surrounding your idea or vision.

Execution Management
Do not just plan, but execute. Manage your executions. Keep abreast of what is happening daily and be in the know. I cannot stress the importance of being in control and “on top of things”. Celebrate your small victories and continue the grind until you get to where you want to be. There must be progression for things to happen.

In conclusion, success does not have to be a fantasy or a dream you have, and hope will come through one fine day. It is within your reach and can be yours today if you want it and begin working towards it. With discipline, consistency and execution sprinkled all over with passion, your fantasy can be your reality. Go get it, girl!

TBW Magazine Issue 10

In this issue, we feature as cover woman Dr. Sandra Swaby who brings a message of physical self-acceptance by helping women feel sexy and attractive through her procedures. We also feature Latoya Mcleary, a stylist and creative working in the fashion hub of New York and who touts a persona of fearlessness. We have the usual features from our contributors and recurring writers. Enjoy!

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