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It Is Important For Women To Know Who They Are- Here Is Why!

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Without a clear understanding of our identity, life may lack the anticipated smoothness. Mundane encounters could trigger anxiety, and depression might consume our narrative. Our current position in life and our purpose would be obscured by a prevailing confusion.

Can you identify With the above?

Have you ever stopped in your tracks with a single thought “why am I here, and what am I doing?”

It is imperative for us as women to know ourselves in a personal and intimate way that only we can.

Years ago, I thought I could be a makeup artist. I invested time and effort in attending numerous makeup classes and even obtained a certification in makeup artistry. However, an unsettling feeling of unease and incompleteness persisted within me. Whenever I engaged in makeup-related activities, a sense of discomfort overwhelmed me, and self-doubt clouded my every move. Do not get me wrong, I knew the basics and could “beat” a face if I had to; after all, I have been paid for my services in the past. Nevertheless, that deep inner satisfaction that I had anticipated remained elusive That satisfaction I would get when I am engrossed in my other passion—which is writing.

Again, can you identify? You do the job, but know you can do better at something identified as your calling.

When you are on the right path, you will know. When you are on a path that is not for you, you will also know. To discern whether you are on the right path for yourself, it is crucial to heed the signs. These signs originate from within—a profound sense of peace and joy that accompanies your journey. Or, maybe a bad one-(similar to that feeling you got as a child when you knew you were doing something your mother told you not to).


 Not identifying with our calling skews our judgment. It makes no sense we listen to others about what is right for us—we have to know for ourselves.

…and WE KNOW.

There has to be a divine connection with that inner part of us that leads us to our calling. That inner part is placed there by the one who knows us best – God. When we feel out of sorts, we must connect to that inner part, or we may attract things that are not aligned with us causing our choices to be skewed. If you think about it, there is no wrong path—it is simply a path that is not for you. Every “wrong” choice/path will teach and build greater awareness and accountability for our actions. Learning the lesson helps us make choices better suited to us the next time. 

When you embark on a chosen path and encounter a familiar sensation akin to my makeup journey, it becomes imperative to explore further. Take a moment to pause and reflect on why this feeling persists. It is possible that a deeper aspect of your being is beckoning for attention, urging you to be mindful of your current circumstances and guiding you towards an alternative direction.

 On another note:  Occasionally, our choices lead us to remain in a stagnant place for an extended period. We carry a persistent nagging feeling that we have settled, that our experiences are not optimized and that we are falling short of our divine purpose. It is crucial to recognize such situations as lifeless and release our attachment to them. Remember, you possess the power to change your circumstances; you can make different choices and embark on a fresh journey. I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so.

Get To Know Yourself: 29 Questions to Discover the Real You
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