Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash
As you face this journey called life, you will encounter obstacles along the way. However as you strive toward your purpose and destiny, you cannot allow these challenges to deter you from reaching your goals. Every day you must remove the excuses and stand in your power! You can do this by reaching into your arsenal and bringing out the items that will help you win the battles that try to veer you off your path to destiny.
As you encounter obstacles in life or different types of adversity, you have to make decisions. In those moments of indecision, you need to decide to walk in Faith! I’m pretty sure you have heard the phrase, we walk by faith and not by sight. This is so very true, because you always want to focus on God, your faith, and not the circumstances. Sometimes when you get caught up in what it looks like, it messes you up and clouds your vision. But when you shift your focus to faith, you remove the cataracts and you see clearly the path that God has set before you. Now what you can’t do, is let someone get you off your path! Don’t listen to those naysayers who try to discourage you or make you play small. They will try to lure you away and entice you with shiny objects of distraction. You show them that you can stay focused and stand tall! The decisions YOU make determine your destiny!! However, if you get distracted and veer off the road a little bit, God is still right there with His arms open wide. He is faithful to His Word and will never leave you or forsake you!
I would like to impress upon you that no matter what happens in life to make you feel inferior or less than, it’s a trick of the enemy. You are enough just the way God made you, regardless of what anyone else says. Think of the naysayers like a shadow. Your shadow has no real substance of its own. Your shadow can’t hurt you, it can’t even touch you! A shadow is created when your image blocks the light. So just block those haters and go be empowered to do what your destiny and purpose is calling you to do!
Remember that it’s not always people on the outside, but your inner self can also hold you back. Sometimes we are our own worst critic and worst enemy. Be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and allow yourself to put on your 3D glasses and see what you can’t see with the natural eye. See the path where God wants to lead you and be willing to step out in faith!!
Don’t let others discourage you from reaching for your dreams just because they appear to be unreachable in the natural. With God’s Supernatural help, you can be sure to reach your goals and STAND IN YOUR POWER!