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Long before she unpacked items she thought were just too heavy 

And life becomes hard to smile,

when tears are knocking on your eyelids, demanding to be set free 

The muscles in her face grow tired

Tired of wanting to be pleasant 

It requires far less to frown

Each seeming redemption resulting in flat lines 

Lines that became words 

Words that became memories 

And memories that became scars 

Scars that remind her why she shouldn’t live

Scars that invited stitches which proved to be useless …

All but one

A man who specializes in resuscitating the dead 

One who gives hope in the darkness and rivers in deserts 

One who never leaves the patient on life support 

but know she’ll eventually wake up and see who she was created to be

One who deems her worthy of living 

The man who died on Calvary

Lazarus written by: Crystal Khlaire

Crystal is a University student who has taken leave from the University of the West Indies to pursue her passion – Beauty Culture. She has no regret because she strongly believes that we should fulfil our purpose and what we are called to do and not give into status quo and the accepted norm. Follow her on Instagram @crystal_khlaire_ or @elha_care_kits send her a note

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