Wow…..2020…..What an incredible year!! It was a year that brought us so much in so many different ways and as we say goodbye (and for some of us ‘good riddance’) to this year, let’s not forget the lessons we’ve learned as we move forward into 2021. Speaking of which, it’s my duty to make you aware of the things that can affect your business. There’s no doubt the marketing landscape has changed drastically so here are five things that your business should definitely focus on to stay ahead of the game and effectively position your brand for the new year and beyond:
Focus on the Media to help you stand out as a Leader:
I said it last year and I’ll say it now: the media is going to be your best friend. Using press, television, podcasts, magazines, radio, online forums and the like is one strategy that every serious business owner should utilize moving forward. The digital space has literally exploded and online has become quite cluttered, not to mention all the fake news, pandemic updates, protests, politics and so many other things. Publicity will help you gain credibility, authority and solidify your status in your industry. Trust me, your audience take notice. Not to mention it’s a great way to leverage a whole new community and direct them to an opt-in, a website or social media pages thus increasing engagement and ultimately sales. Lastly, with most persons craving more and more human interaction, showing up on a medium where they can see your face and hear your voice helps you seem more real to your audience. You’re no longer a picture or a post, you are a real, flesh and blood human being.
Focus on Automation and use it to drive Innovation:
Speaking of online, you’ve got to find a way to pivot your business into the online space and, if you haven’t yet, this is the time to do so. Sorry to say, you may not be able to survive if you don’t. The need for people to be served online has grown tremendously in just the last few months. Look for creative ways to serve your audience and use technology to make the transition to sale as easy as possible. Also, be sure to make sure to use the tools and apps that may make things easier for you to do business. Systems that allow you to schedule your social media or your emails are great additions to help take the stress off of you so that you can focus on what you’re truly good at.
Focus on building Community through Collaborations:
The number of persons entering the entrepreneurial space has grown tremendously, many of which are women. While it might create some competition for you, it can also create fabulous opportunities for collaboration and brand building because when you find a team of highly motivated, knowledgeable persons to work with, you automatically feel like you can take over the world. Now more than ever, let’s lean on each other and create opportunities to build our business and share ideas to get those creative juices flowing.
Focus on Consistently & Authentically showing up:
This is not the year for hiding, consistently showing up for your audience is a great way to build relationships, even in the virtual space. Don’t be afraid to share your story, your experiences and be relatable. Emotional connection with your audience is an extremely powerful marketing tool because money is no object when feelings are at play. Your audience will want what you have……..because you are living proof that it works. Your people will stick by you, understand and appreciate you, and most of all pay you.
Focus on Connectivity, even in a virtual world:
It’s true, even now…….especially now……people are craving that human interaction. We are social creatures by nature so it’s imperative to find a way to show up and truly interact with your tribe even if it’s in virtual space. Think about having a blended offer where persons can purchase your products or service but can still have access to you. That can look like a phone conversation or an interactive event where they can ask questions or give feedback.
BONUS: Focus On YOU!!!
You’ve got to protect the asset, because without you the business can’t and won’t exist. Be sure to take care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally; take time off when you need it and schedule self care like your life depended on it……because it does. There are people out there who need you at your best so be sure to be your best and, without judgement, take that time to rest.
So there you have it, all the things you should focus on for the new year and now that they’ve been revealed you can successfully position your business to take the world by storm.
Onwards and Upwards to 2021!!!
Carla Williams Johnson is a Media Marketing Specialist based in Trinidad & Tobago. She founded Carli Communications, which offers advertising and marketing advice to entrepreneurs and business owners who are interested in building a business in the ‘real world’. She considers herself an advocate for business men and women who were desirous of promoting themselves by offering sound, unbiased advice, focusing mainly on methods to identify ideal clients, online and offline approaches to boosting visibility and the creation of practical marketing campaigns designed to increase revenue. Learn More About Carli Communications Here