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I Have Many More Blooms to Bloom

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“I am my garden, my garden is me, my garden comes from within ME!”

Dee Hunt

I woke up this morning singing; “Bind us together lord” and for my entire journey to work I kept singing that song. You see, there is always a song in my heart waiting to be sung.

“I do not have all that I want and desire but I have all I NEED and that’s enough”. This was my inner thought as I sang, a reminder to not worry about my latest obstacle ; which makes me want to share a bit about the plant on my ear and how it has allowed me to persevere and have many blooms to bloom.

It is a part of the hibiscus family and I have admired it for years, until I could afford to buy my home and plant it in my own yard. Now I have blooms all year round and I want to share with you my particular interest in this plant.

Why do I admire it?

The Hibiscus plant taught me that no matter what we are going through we must always look radiant, smile and be good to others. It taught me that things will not remain the same but we can choose to be the same kind, gentle and loving person we must be, all the time, despite any changes in our situation.

Throughout the long summer days when we usually experience drought; the Hibiscus will hold its bloom and wait patiently for the rains to come. Blooms would come then fall, then new blooms would appear again. Never did it miss a beat. I had another Hibiscus in my backyard which I had planted too close to an area Palm. I made the decision to have it removed and in the vacant spot I placed a potting bench and added some orchids on the wall above it.

One particular Saturday while I did a routine check in the yard I noticed green leaves under the potting bench. I knelt down, very curious to see what plant was bravely growing, only to discover that the hibiscus had regrown. Imagine my shock, as far as the gardener and I knew we had removed the plant, roots and all; I was there, I witnessed it – every piece of root was removed; or so we thought. Persevere through the odds stacked against you. People and situations may come against us but we must comeback, always, and stronger.

Why Do I Love Gardening?

It is very therapeutic for me. I often enter my garden on a Saturday morning with problems seeking solutions and by the end of my morning hobby I have the needed answers. Gardening teaches me patience and keeps me humble. I have to wait on my plants to grow, and for them to let me know if they like where I placed them; or if they like the fertilizer I’ve used by rewarding me with countless blooms. It isn’t easy to get up at 6a.m. religiously (except when it is raining) and do gardening from then until 10a.m. It takes dedication, lots of it; so another thing gardening has taught me, is to be dedicated to the tasks I undertake.

These are just a few of the positives and takeaways I have received through gardening and I want to assure you there’s more – it goes deeper. Nature has taught me a lot about life.

I strive to be like the Hibiscus, no matter what I am going through it will not stop me from being the wonderful person my parents brought into this world. When people tear/cut you down and you feel you will never rise above it, think about the Hibiscus. When you  are at your lowest and you can’t seem to find a way out think about the blooms. It will GET BETTER, just hold on. NOW, BIG SMILE and Have a great day! MUAHHHHHHHHHHHH

Written by Donna Hunter, one of our writers for TheBeyondWoman Magazine. Donna is a wife, mother, career woman,serial entrepreneur, nature lover especially gardening and travelling and so much more. She is on a quest to inspire us through her experiences with nature which she believes is where our peace and joy resides.

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