The Best Life! Have you ever wondered – Am I living my best life? That somehow you are missing out on something, or maybe there is more for you? Let’s look at some ways you might just be cheating yourself of the best life.
1. The Fear Factor
One could easily call out FEAR as the number one reason why many women may fail to reach their full potential. Some would say the very word is an acronym for ‘Forget Everything And Run.’ Fear has caused many women to run from their passion, their dreams, their success; it is one of the robbers of true and fulfilling happiness.
2. Time
Another good one is the famous line – “Not enough time”. Not enough time for fun because of responsibilities. Not enough time to chase a dream because of age or circumstances, etc. This is a factor that has cheated many out of living their best lives; you know the saying YOLO (you only live once). This encourages persons to live in the moment and enjoy life as it comes. There will never be a best time, so it is important to make that time now, rather than later; as time is promised to no one.
3. People
People’s opinions, views, words, and influence have hindered many women from living their best lives. According to a document by Currently Biology, research shows that the opinions of others affect how we value things, what we buy, what music we listen to, and ultimately, decisions that we may take in the course of life. A lot of women are limited because of those they listen to. Those who may contradict or devalue their dreams, choices, etc It was Will Rogers who said “A man only learns in two ways, by reading and by associating with smarter people.” The reason why so many are held back is that they associate with others who have no vision, no direction, and no desire to live their best lives.
4. Financial Indiscipline
Another way women may cheat themselves out of their best life is by being irresponsible and indiscipline with what they have and what they can do. Statistics by have shown that American household debt hit a record of $13.21 trillion in 2018, the majority of this being women. It also shows that many also don’t invest the money as effectively as men. A survey in investments by BlackRock found that women prefer to keep 71% of their funds in cash, while men keep 60%. Our spending choices need a really intense rework; we must prioritise our financial health. If we were to assess our financial standing in a serious and critical way we may spend less, forgo or schedule our spending habits. Is it possible that number 2 might very well be caused by us having to work extra to maintain certain lifestyles. Just a thought!
5. Missing Fathers/Significant Other.
Some women struggle to make ends meet oftentimes because they are the sole breadwinners for their families, with fathers being absent. They then take on every role – psychological, emotional and financial. Though we see this pretty much everywhere in the world, the US records show that it now has the largest percentage of single-parent homes in the world with almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 living with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%). With women mostly being in this situation we become the ones to sacrifice the things that would naturally bring joy and allow us to have a better quality life.
What are some of the ways you believe that Women are Cheating themselves of a Better Life?