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Self-care has been discussed in many arenas. The fact is that human beings get worn out and beat down from time to time. We women seem to have a knack for doing the most for others and the least for ourselves. We consistently nurture and give freely to everyone but ourselves until we end up on a hamster wheel. Only then, do a few of us hop off and refocus to do things a bit differently. The intentional habit of self care is therefore needed for the upkeep of ourselves- not just our physical bodies, but also our emotions and minds. I will take it a step further to include our souls and spirits.

There are so many suggestions for self care so I have decided to look at the topic from the context of our five basic senses- sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

1. Sight
When last have you sat down to watch a good movie? With Netflix craze, this might be a rhetorical question however, a good number of us have not paused from hectic routines to catch a movie! Heck, we haven’t even sat still long enough to look at the beauty of nature around us; to appreciate the shapes, textures, colours and patterns that have always existed in our space. Yet we constantly paste our eyes on laptop screens for hours trying to complete that assignment.

Studies have shown that women suffer more from eye disease and blindness than men. Hormones from menopause can cause dry eye, cataracts, glaucoma. Pregnancy may cause dry eye and puffy eyelids as well as put women at risk of diabetes and high blood pressure which put strain on the blood vessels of the eyes. Yes, it is imperative that we take care of our eyes but sight as self care, is more than meets the eye. Pause for a moment and see what life is offering. Sight keeps our brains sharp. Our focus makes the difference. What are you giving too much of your focus? Take care of your eyes but more so, pay attention to your sight!

2. Hearing
Forget the 7pm call from your best friend to gossip about the lady next door. Don’t even think about watching the news. Take a break from negativity and give yourself a rest. Sounds have a profound effect on our state of mind and are able to produce powerful reactions in the listener. Once, my pastor declared that the sounds of children making noise never annoyed him. They put him in a happy mood because they reminded him of life, energy, youthfulness.

Have you ever really wondered why the sounds of birds chirping or waves crashing can put you to sleep? Well thanks to researchers at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), there is scientific consensus as to how natural sounds affect systems in the body that control the flight-or-fright and rest-digest autonomic nervous systems, with associated effects in the resting activity of the brain.

Natural sounds really help us to relax. Singing also helps our emotional well being as it releases endorphins and oxytocin. Ladies, get out of the house and away from screaming infants, avoid blaring horns and foul-mouthed drivers and head for the beach, the river, the countryside, the open space with nothing but you and nature and definitely sing along!

3. Smell
Sure you’ve heard the expression, “Stop and smell the roses” but have you ever done so? This idiom is great advice for self care figuratively and literally. It means relax and enjoy the beauty of life, but roses are actually aromatic. Having worked with flowers for the past 5 years, I can say that I’ve experienced my share of delicate, comforting and powerful scents. Scents can be evocative. They can trigger positive feelings and thoughts in the brain. Scents travel through the nose and to nerves in the brain’s limbic system which controls our emotions and feelings.

Choose scents that remind you of a pleasant time in your life and have benefits for your being. Are you interested in scented flowers? Start a backyard garden or place some potted plants on your porch or at your windows. How about you purchase some perfumes and candles? These will stimulate your sense of smell. Schedule a session of aromatherapy or get some Cleary sage, lavender, rosemary, orange, peppermint and frankincense for their healing properties. They help with insomnia, depression, anxiety, stress, memory and pain.

4. Taste
The sense of taste aided human evolution. Humans tested the food they ate for their safety. If bitter or sour, the food was considered poisonous but if it was sweet or salty, it was nutritious. My self care advice is to treat yourself to eating that one thing you’ve been avoiding simply because you’re being too hard on yourself. Of course, health is priority but also is moderation. Don’t become miserable by following fads, neither should you group foods into categories of “good” and “bad”. Nutritionists say that this will cause us to have a bad relationship with food in general. I say, eat that 2 piece Chicken meal and drink that cup of rum and coke. You can have your cake and eat it. Just make sure to avoid ingesting food and drinks- or anything for that matter- that are harmful to your health.

5. Touch
US neuroscientist and author, David J. Linden, wrote that Romanian children in 1980s and 1990s who were deprived of loving touch ended up with psychological and intellectual difficulties and underdeveloped immune and digestive systems. This example is enough to prove the importance of our sense of touch. No wonder they place newborns on their moms soon after they are born. There are even some infant massage classes. Humans need contact. And we women yearn for physical contact.

Self-Care may be seen as selfish but you don’t have to do it alone. During my research, I stumbled on a new form of therapy called “cow cuddling” where participants pay USD$75 per hour to help reduce their stress by hugging or brushing cows. Did you know there are cuddle parties- non-sexual social events where people cuddle to improve their sleep, appetite and to help with their loneliness? I won’t go as far to suggest hugging a cow but you can sure try. And with corona virus spreading, I wouldn’t dare encourage you to cuddle with a stranger. It may be easier for you to pet a dog or a cat, guinea pig or even a goat. Get a massage. Visit your hairdresser. Hug a friend. Hold your partner’s hands. Please bear in mind the COVID-19 protective measures.

Examine your life and see which of these self care tips you need to include. Remember, “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” -Eleanor Brownn

Written by BeyondWoman Contributor Khadine Whittaker.

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jiann

    This was very well written and a great reminder to #SelfCare. Something I love to do and totally encourage!

    1. Jacqueline

      Thank you for sharing Jiann, we are happy the reminder resonated. Cheers!

  2. Sharene McKenzie

    Informative & easy to read

    1. Jacqueline

      Hi Sharene…Thank you taking the time to leave us a comment. We hope you subscribed so you can receive our future features that are sure to change our lives as women. Cheers!


    Good Article and it’s very true. I fall in the category of being so much for every one and so little for myself

    1. Jacqueline

      Thank you taking the time to leave us a comment. Yes as women it is imperative. A lot of lifestyle ailments that we experience is as a result of not taking care of ourselves.Sometimes all it takes is something simple.

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