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Want our simple but effective suggestions to becoming a better woman? Read on!

It is widely said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, that’s what most people know. A few years back I came across an article written by Robin Sharma which touted that it takes 66 days rather than the 21 we have heard, well, I have heard all my life.

Why 66 you may ask, well to be honest, does it really matter? I think as women most if not all of us will decide – “to heck with the mundane, let’s change up things a bit, let’s do this”. The unfortunate fact is that a few of us struggle when we try to form new habits. The good news is, with intention, determination and persistence we will get the desired end result. In truth, the range is really from 18 days to as much as 270. Each woman will differ; the important thing is to create a plan and work the plan.

With that said here are the 10 habits that we believe will help in you becoming a better woman and will ultimately change your life!

1. Become a giver – ask Kelly Rowland who recently opened up in an interview with her Pastor Erwin McManus. She shared how she believes giving back to the church possibly ended her financial woes. She had opened up to a friend who encouraged her to donate to the church in spite of not having any money. Shortly after things changed. Let’s say I too can attest to being blessed financially through giving.

2. Become your own expert – may seem like an unconventional habit to form, but zero in on what you are good at and nurture that greatness. Read as much as you can to develop that strength, question persons who may have expertise in the area with the aim of further strengthening yourself. Do whatever it takes to become the expert and then reap the benefits. Because, there will be some.

3. Repeat affirmations – not the airy ones – but the ones that foster a picture in your head of you you want to be. So I met the spectacular Carlotta Tate who is a Jamaican living in Iceland. We connected because she was inspired to start her own magazine which would cater to immigrants living in that region by giving them a voice (read our feature on Carlotta here). In one of our conversations we spoke about affirmations, the ones that were constructed to speak to who you want to be. For example. Do you want to see yourself impacting women in a way that elevates them? Then repeat – “I am a woman of Influence and Affluence, my life will create changes in those I meet”. Can you see yourself becoming that once you have uttered those words?

4. Spend time with two sets of people – The Old and The Young!- This one I particular love, I must have read this somewhere and it rings so true. For the next 66 days spend as much time with these two group and write in and tell us what happened. The Old keeps us grounded with imparted wisdom and the young reminds us to live free and live without reservation while not taking this life for granted. Did I hear one of my sisters saying, truth!!!

5. Accept life and make the best of it– I’m not an expert, after all I am with you on this ride! But I assure you that adopting this stance will turn your life around. We all know the ill effects of worry. We all know that there are circumstances outside of our control that we worry over. When we let go of the things we have no control of, our whole being thanks us! We breathe easier, we sleep better and overall our psyche is better off.


6. Pray – As a woman, this is your ultimate power play! One that we must stop wasting- I know you know the phrase – “The praying woman”

Set a time during the day, this is how you will form the habit of praying. I don’t think I need to go into the benefit of praying suffice to say that our beautiful connection with God is something that we need to nurture as a part of our success while living.

7. Consistent Saving – A must for every woman. They say men handle the finance better. I truly beg to differ! We can get into that another time. Consider this to be shoring up your financial future abs securing your “vex” money 🤪. It is also a must that will help to alleviate stress caused by not being able to take care of our basic needs and at times our loved ones.

We must at all times have an emergency fund of not less than 6 months of our regular monthly budget to offset any unusual expenses that can arise. Also, we must consult with a financial advisor as needed to put a plan in place to fast track our retirement fund or any other special needs we may have such as saving for a home down-payment. We will be better off having put this in place. Take of your yourself financially.

8. Walk for an hour daily – the benefits of intentionally walking for an hour daily are numerous. They can span something as simple as improving our mood (and we know how out of whack we can get at times, or, let me just speak for myself here) – to harnessing your creative juices to improving your overall health.

9. Decide to claim your happiness it will add years to your life as long as God blesses you with continued life. And will also keep the wrinkles at bay.


Eliminate FearFear has a large shadow, But he himself is small.Ruth Gendler . This is just the truth. A lot of what we fear when conquered make us realize that there was nothing to fear in the first instance. Everyday choose one thing and conquer it. It may seem daunting at first but you will understand when you pass through it. There is nothing to F E A R, its only – False Evidence Appearing Real.

Beyond women our habits can break or make us – they are needed ingredients in shaping our lives. If you are not loving how life is taking shape for you, how about taking the time to redesign you life. Write the habits that you believe will usher you into your best and intentionally and determinedly do what is needed. The end result being you becoming a better woman.

Cheering us on as we live lives that we are super proud of! Remember you are the superwoman first in your life! Let’s do this!


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