In the midst of chaos, a level mindset will bring to you all you need
As of March 17, 2020 it is reported that there are 189,196 cases of the corona virus globally with 7511 confirmed deaths and 80874 recovery.
Active cases are 100811 with 94297 reported as mild and 6514 or 6% as serious or critical.
Closed Cases are 80874 recovered or discharged representing 92% or 7511 deaths representing 8%.
Statistics taken from
We know that even with the number of deaths being at only 8% there is still significant discomfort due to the alarming newscasts (no thanks to the media who have done an incredible job in this). Added to that are the varied opinions individuals are chomping around contributing to widespread confusion, misinformation and general chaos. Of course all of this leads to panic and an outlook suggesting that the world is coming to a slow but steady halt with governments taking extreme yet necessary steps to control the virus.
We want to assure you that we are with you, we are feeling the levels of uncertainty alongside you; but, as a platform intent on contributing to women living their best life we must help you to maneuver this time in the best possible way. We can only do this by deliberately ignoring the panic and “fear mongering” as one post that we came across described it. Instead in the midst of acknowledging the grave situation we are facing we are determined to keep a level head because we understand that “in the midst of chaos, a level mindset will bring to us all that we need“. And despite what is being presented to us there are ways in which we can survive and at the end of it all be positioned to continue thriving.
Beyondwomen we must turn our attention to what is important and we must increase our awareness of what it will take for us and those around us to survive any challenge we may face. This is to ensure that we will move into immediate recovery mode once the threat has been lifted
Preservation of self needs to be the focus. Understand that opportunities are always present in times of crisis. So while we are being safe, it is also okay to be strategic. The aim is to evolve and become strengthened into a better, more controlled mindset while practicing the safety measures implemented by our governments.
So here are 12 Ways we believe Women Can Survive COVID-19 and Rise like a Charm
- It is an opportune time for reconnecting and building our network through caring and sharing and checking in on each other.
- No Netflix and chill all day, do activities that will keep you stimulated and present. It is very easy to fall into the trap of inertia. Good habits can be eradicated easily and hard to rebuild. Maintain your GOOD habits
- Operate like you would if there wasn’t any threat.
- Revisit continuity plans so when the threat lifts you go into immediate recovery mode (wills, life insurance, investments, bank balances, emergency funds etc.) How are those looking? Create a forward plan if necessary or as needed
- Form virtual groups and have conversations geared towards encouraging and supporting your tribe. Be the encourager, keep other women focused on what is important.
- Be mindful and practice intentional self-care. Take care of you.
- Shore up business practices -Revisit business policies & practices. With the suddenness of what we are currently experiencing, did you have all you “ducks in a row?”. Now is the time to look at procedures and ways of operating and make the needed adjustments (if any).
- Opportunity to learn something. If you were to peruse IG there are a lot of freebies being offered that may offer you some value. Check them out. Outside of that do the research and enroll in a virtual class in an area of interest.
- Be the creator you are, why not sit down and create a new product or service that can be offered immediately once we are out of crisis mode.
- Follow up on goals/dreams- write that book or course you have always wanted to but could not find the time.
- Build your immune system by taking supplements (Check out 15 Foods that will help to boost your imune system.)
- Last but certainly not the least – as a matter of fact, it is saving the best and most important for last – get in tune with your creator. Let Him be your peace, let Him be your fortress and your secret hiding place. Pray Psalm 91 and allow the promises to bring you comfort in this time.
Above all DO NOT PANIC!!!!DO NOT REACT let us be proactive, the world will continue, and you and I want to make sure that we are a part of that continuity. We encourage you to pay attention to safe practices and do all that you are told to do by your government. Lean in on credible sources. We are resilient, we are influential in how things will take place in our spaces. Let us be responsible and lead responsibly.
Nb: Excluded from our list and deliberately so is the advice to stay home – that is a given. If you do not have to go out, stay indoors. This will help in reducing and containing numbers.
“The only geniuses produced by the chaos of society are those who do something about it. Chaos breeds geniuses. It offers a man something to be a genius about.”
― B.F. Skinner,
For all of its uncertainty, we cannot flee the future. Barbara Jordan