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I always reflect on the story of Adam and Eve in the garden. Just the other day my husband and I were making light of the situation and saying that Adam surely was not Jamaican because if he was, he would not have given in to the temptation of an apple. Now, if it was a plate of nice steaming Oxtail… perhaps, but definitely not an apple.

That is the light side of the story – and whenever I quietly reflect on the big picture of the temptation and the result thereafter, I cannot help but think that within us lies a place where we know and understand exactly what we gave up and what was taken from us when they (Adam & Eve) ate the apple.

I keep mulling over the fact that we are made in God’s image, in His likeness and if that is the case then despite that we are “tainted” so to speak, within us is the knowledge that we are made for more. As women we have been socialized into being homemakers, individuals with the responsibility of managing everybody’s emotions and hurt. And when we get done with catering to the needs outside of ourselves we have nothing left to give to ourselves. And while that was okay with our mothers and grandmothers, it does not sit well with today’s woman.

Here is where we must say, YES, “WE ARE MORE”. And so there is no need to prolong the confusion as to why within there is a feeling of something needing to get out; to be birthed, to be set free so we can feel complete, normal and powerful in our own right. Let us just embrace the thought…. exhale and say YES!!! I AM MORE!

It is okay to want more for ourselves and also to go after all that we feel. A lot of times we are afraid to do the things in our hearts because we feel others will not understand. Well girlfriend, BeyondWoman, if you wait on understanding you will be waiting for a lonnng time.

As women we are pretty much hardwired into routine and norms and how we must operate. The moment we break free of those confines it becomes hard, scary, seemingly impossible. You are made in your Father’s image and I think most of us accept how God went about creating the world because we have to and because we believe in the Bible.

If we were to stop and become really honest with ourselves, we would admit to finding God’s methods rather UNCONVENTIONAL…Eve is made from a rib…Hello!!! Come on, really… And so it is (also) with our methods to becoming more. They will seem unconventional, ridiculous maybe, does God care about other’s opinions… and so, can we take the same stance?

Your journey is not about others, it is about you and what God has placed within you…

So many years ago our initial state of “made for more” was snatched out of our hands before we could get a chance at a “whiff” of it. But, it is within us. We are more, and so today I encourage all of us to go after the things that will make us complete. The things that will allow our lives to be smooth and fulfilling despite challenges. Challenges will always be with us.

How To Move Into A State Of More

  • Ever wonder why the first name we call out is (Jesus) when we get into life’s difficulty? Take care of your spiritual health, most of us do not understand that God watches over us and protect us. We prefer to believe that we can take care of ourselves. Not so! Have a relationship with your Creator – God. It is important and life changing.
  • Become bigger than the opinion of others, people will always have one. Ain’t nothing you can do about it.
  • Make the decision to dream big and wild.
  • Place yourself as priority.
  • Carve out alone time with yourself, get use to being alone. It will serve you.
  • Self- care, get into the habit of doing things for yourself.
  • Start reading – knowledge is a powerful thing.
  • Affirm your days, take control of your experiences and reactions to circumstances.
  • Adopt a power stance, be in control of your life.
  • Be Extra – which in our minds equate to excellence – do everything thinking excellence.
  • Think Big – stretch your imagination – You deserve the Mercedes Benz if that’s what you want, you deserve the 3 story home – if that’s what you want. – Disclaimer: do not just wish or say I deserve – plan towards it and go for it. YOU REALLY DESERVE IT.
  • Be kind to everyone, we are all battling “stuff”.
  • Believe that you are MORE.

Recognize that You Are More, Be Okay with Wanting More, it is a part of your DNA.

You Are Indeed More!

A Sister Needs Our Help, Will you consider sowing a seed towards Leisa-Gaye’s recovery.

OUR BOOK CLUB STARTS IN March. 10 Months | 10 Books. Month of March – Girl Wash Your Face written by Rachel Hollis – A book that in no uncertain terms tells you that  “You, and only you, are ultimately responsible for how happy you are.”


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