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Quite recently I delivered a presentation at a women’s group. I mentioned 5 things that I believe prevented us (women) from achieving the things we need to. Of those 5 things, I want to use this forum to mention one in particular—“inertia”. Inertia, by definition, suggests a lack of activity or interest or unwillingness to make an effort to do anything. Can anyone relate?
There are times when I am just unwilling to do anything, I have tons of stuff to do, but I lack the willpower needed to start. I prefer to stay in bed and just be. I know you know what I am talking about!!! Many of us experience inertia and have the resultant effect of unproductivity for what can add up to a significant amount of time every month. Imagine if we put us all together and measure the wasted hours collectively, we may have a mind-boggling number.
Who wants to be unproductive?
We all want to be productive human beings who are making a difference. We understand that productivity equals success and not just monetary success but success that causes us to impact lives.
Can I also add that, with inertia, there may be sadness, loneliness, low self-esteem, and other things that we prefer to not have in our space. Remember, we are striving for joyful life filled with peace, so we absolutely cannot allow inertia to be the order of our day.
Here are 4 ways to fight inertia and remain productive:
Recognize the feelings within: Understand when you are off balance and commit to not letting your feelings become you. Remind yourself that it does nothing for you when you are in that zone.
Baby Steps: When you are in that zone, choose your battles. Instead of attacking the gigantic task that you may have to complete, how about choosing smaller ones. Each time you finish a goal, take a break and then go to the next.
Telephone a close friend who understands you: I have a girlfriend with whom I usually talk away my feelings, she understands, and she empathizes. We do not throw a pity party together, instead, she listens patiently and then offers me words of encouragement. Nobody wants to deal with insensitivity at this time.
Do Nothing: Sometimes, we just need a break from everything. The danger is when we take a long break. Know when it is time to get back to business.
Inertia happens to the best of us, so we must quickly acknowledge when it is happening and do what is required to pull us out of the feeling. Therefore being in-tuned with how we feel at any given point is a must. We must know the remedy—what is required for us to feel whole. I know based on conversations that some persons prefer to be alone at this time. Whatever it takes…just do what you need, and stay productive!
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