burn some bridges

This Is One Time You Will Have To Burn Some Bridges

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Photo by Sofia Sforza on Unsplash

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn

 It is a scary thought but it is also one that should give us a much needed wake up call… if needed.

I want us to assess the people we interact with most, the people who we call on, the people we invest our thoughts with, and the people we seek counsel with. It is easy to know if we are going to realize our dreams when we assess our interactions.

This is a constant wake up call for me and one that I EMBRACE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. In my book Called to A Higher Service – a book you should get if you have not as yet – I devote a section to us reviewing our friendship circle. I go on to explain that for some of us this will be an easy exercise while for others it may prove a wee bit or perhaps a very challenging exercise but either way a very necessary one.
If today you are like me, back then – going down a very dark road, then obviously it will beg the question – Do I continue down this road, am I enjoying my current journey? Your answer may be a similar “heck no” as was mine then it is quite obvious what your next move should be.

Go in a different direction; do something different. You have to.

It is time to look around you and assess the people who surround you.
It is time to shed some unwanted darkness and get into your light, the light that is really within you but is being overshadowed by unnecessary things or people.

So what do we do, we say “BYE Child” to those we need to say that to… no apologies. Pull away from those who add no value but rather may be pulling the very essence of who you are  from your being. Go into hibernation if you need to… let the so-called friends know then assess their responses. You will be able to tell who is with you just by their responses. Let go the ones who ask too many “whys” and keep the ones who understand and give their nod of approval.

The beauty about hibernation is that it takes you away from the many influences pulling you in different directions. It gives you the time needed to come to terms with whatever you need to in the present. It will give you time to come to terms with the kind of energy you really need and also allow you to realize who is taking up space rather than adding value to you – which is ultimately what we should be doing for each other.

Burning some bridges is not recommended but in a few cases it is an absolute in order for some of us to move into our new normal. In order to see phenomenal growth in our lives personally and otherwise.

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Excerpted from Called To A Higher Service now available on Amazon.

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