“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”
― Henry Ford
I am big on living the life you know you deserve. I am also big on lifelong learning and self-improvement. The only way that either is going to happen is through planning and preparing. We prepare in the event an opportunity (expected or unexpected) arises. Continued learning prepares us for the next big thing (tweetable moment).
With that in mind I want to encourage all of us to commit to something new each Monday. It may seem like a hard thing, you might even say I will not be able to keep up. But if you have been following me long enough you will know what is coming next. We solve the problem of not keeping up or any other problem by simply planning which includes writing down things that you need to get done.
Committing to lifelong learning, prepares us for the next big thing; we become a magnet for good things to come our way because we are increasing our knowledge. Increased knowledge increases wisdom, we become more aware of who we are and what we should be doing, our network opens up, we may become people of influence and pretty soon we begin to live life on our own terms. We listen to our own voice and intuition not in a prideful way (thinking we have arrived) but in a self-actualised, knowing and aware way.
There are so many benefits when we commit to lifelong learning through reading personal development books. Reading/watching inspiring stories, being a part of a focus group, volunteering, being a part of a church or civic group. So many ways and so I encourage all of us to commit to lifelong learning, better yet, do a bucket list of the things you know will enhance you as an individual and go for it. Commit to doing something from that bucket list every Monday or as often as you choose. Caution – do not make it adhoc – choose a specific day or date, then stick to it. Done in that manner allows our minds to be programmed, it becomes habitual which then makes it easier for us to stick to our commitment.
“There are few things more pathetic than those who have lost their curiosity and sense of adventure, and who no longer care to learn.”
― Gordon B. Hinckley, Way to Be!: 9 Rules For Living the Good Life
This week's Quote comes from The BeyondWoman
As we seek to become better we must willingly do the things that will
make us better!
Do The Work!
“A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. It’s only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate. Don’t think. Act.”
― Steven Pressfield, Do the Work
Many times we know innately what is best for us but are not willing
to do the work that comes with improving oneself. We are only willing
to be ‘wishers’ rather than ‘doers’. In order to be better we have to do the work without over thinking, doubting or fearing the unknown.
Do yourself a favor – commit to something new!
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Learn more about us at : https://www.thebeyondwoman.com/
It’s a great struggle to overcome the barriers to success, but once that’s done, the sky is the limit!
Inspiring article. I need to return for these reminders.
Indeed Andrea! Thank you for your timely comment and we welcome you at any time…