age factor

The Age Factor – Reasons We Worry About This?

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Age Factor – I had to write on this topic which I am sure some women dwell on ever so often.

The great thing about getting older is that you become more mellow. Things aren’t as black and white, and you become much more tolerant. You can see the good in things much more easily rather than getting enraged as you used to do when you were young.
Maeve Binchy

As I stood conversing with cousins last Saturday evening at a family get together, the topic of getting older came up as we stood having curried goat and soda while watching our kids who might I add are no longer “kids”…
We are in the season of graduations, some moving from high school to college. Others from prep to high school, and the rare few from one grade level to another… acknowledging all of this prompted the topic of discussion.

I remember responding to a question which was asked, saying “I do not remember my age”. And while it was the absolute truth in that moment, I couldn’t help but recognize that I wanted it to be the absolute truth indefinitely.

I do not know about you but I dread getting older and I believe that I am not alone. Some of us will admit “me too”, while others will continue with the brave face (it doesn’t matter,even though it does) while there are those who will be the exception to the rule based on their actions (it really does not matter).

This fear of mine stems from different things, but mostly wondering – have I done enough or if I were to go today would I have left a mark on this world (which is important to me). You see, I try not to be superficial even though there is the tendency to be (at some point) in all of us. So while I am not (entirely) worried about my looks (hold my heart) in that moment, I recognized that the need to do more to ensure that I am remembered is not as important as the need to become systematic in ensuring that every day is spent purposeful.

That is the only way that at the end of it all we will go quite satisfied.

One beauty about getting older that I fully embrace (maybe it’s because I have less energy and realize how important it is to use what I have wisely) is that as the above quote says in summary – “we no longer sweat the small stuff and the important things will become the important things”.
So while I secretly dread getting older, I am fully aware of the reality and will become systematic in the daily things…heck, just to make sure, I will begin to diarize one thing out of every day that is purposeful
I hope you take the lead in your life too if this is a concern for you…

I welcome your feedback and your beautiful thoughts on “the age factor”.

Always remember the control in most things lies with us and we have a choice daily to live purposefully. The Age factor is not such a serious factor in our lives (as we may think) if we become systematic about life!

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