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Create the kind of life that you want

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Create the kind of life that you want, maybe I have said this too many times.

Too many women are just plain unhappy and miserable. All because they fail to create the lives that they want and I am telling you that the power to do so is within us…all it takes is for us to just decide to.

And I’m not talking about fairytales I am speaking of reality. So many times we look at our lives and believe that the things we experience are outside our control. It really isn’t. Bottom line a lot of what we say is far fetched as a “stand alone” but, when we  “say, plan, then act” our lives become what we say.

Let us decide today to let go of the things we hold on to even when we know they make us frustrated, miserable and not living our best lives. Then embrace that which we know will take everything we need into our lives. Stop holding on to that man, job, big contract, influential friends, the need to go to that mixer… that is not life. Life begins with you choosing the things that complement you.

You have control… always… take control today … forget about them … today it’s all about you. Start living.

Create the kind of life that you want and deserve… today!

Read more on creating your best life here

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