Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash
I think most of us at some point have seen the baby trying out his/her leg. Everything seems shaky at first, there is uncertainty but in the midst of it all there is a persistence and determination. If they fall, they usually get back up and try again with or without the coaxing of their parent(s).
They keep getting back up after every fall.
So let us talk for a minute about their stance. There is a look of joy being able to stand unsupported, focused concentration while trying to move one foot ahead of the other. Hands raised upward whether in thanksgiving or trying to balance themselves. Irrespective, seeing it so many times I am left with the conclusion that as adults we can learn so much from just being a part of that experience.
Lately I have been feeling as though I am struggling and I know as a fairly new entrepreneur I am not alone in this. I came across a quote some time ago that says the road of entrepreneurship is a lonely one. Funny enough, I did not understand then but I do now. Even with support around me I feel totally alone having accepted that at the end of the day failure or success, I am responsible.
I wrote my first book in 2014 – “Called to a Higher Service”- (revised edition coming soon) and was reminded of a concept in the book which speaks to taking baby steps. As entrepreneurs and any one for that matter, if we begin to feel overwhelmed- we need to reflect on taking baby steps. We must remind ourselves of what it is like, very shaky in the beginning. However, if we apply their “stick- to-it-iveness” and get up each time we feel like we have fallen with resolute determination, pushing against everything that want to keep us down, then sooner or later we will be able to stand straight, walk straight and eventually run.