Have fun!
As women we often sacrifice our happiness by focusing too much on external things that we sometimes don’t have much control over. While this is admirable it can also deprive us of joy.
We often get overwhelmed and may find ourselves asking the question -when did we lose ourselves and our identity?
Today we encourage you to reclaim you and your simple joys in life. Take a break from life. Treat yourself. Invest in yourself emotionally and live life. Every minute of it.Â
Have fun!
Here are 5 Ways TBW believe you can start reclaiming your life and have FUN
Get quiet – connect to that deeper side of you. As women we all have a deeper side, whether we acknowledge it or not. We are wired for deepness, deep connections, deep conversations, and deep love … everything deep. When we are unable to identify and connect with this side of us, we start to lose ourselves.
Be present – be aware of everything that affects your emotions whether good or bad. Hold on to the things that compliment where you are at present in your life and get rid of or ignore the rest.
Embrace imperfection – The world we live in tries to project a perfection on us that just does not exist. We often find ourselves striving to find this perfection and the result is usually frustration, because – hello – we are seeking that which we will never find. Accept who you are and the things that you are good at, build on your strengths and once again leave the rest by the wayside.
Buy the shoes – or buy whatever the “shoes” represent for you. We are in no way encouraging you being frivolous but sometimes we sacrifice the only bit of happiness that buying the shoes will bring to us. Once you can afford it, buy the “shoes” and do not overthink it. Treat yourself, you deserve it!
Stop being superwoman – understand your humanity, (the fact that you are human first) – and your limitations. We cannot solve everyone’s issues; we cannot be everywhere, all the time. Only God is omnipresent, and all powerful. We need to understand when and how to say “no”, and also when to seek assistance.
You can do this, You can get back to you. We encourage you today. It will be worth it in the end.
Why did we stop doing this?
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