Are You A Teniquester?
Tenique Designs is a jewelry company geared toward persons who are classy, sophisticated and most importantly unique. Most accessories are designed for everyday wearing, but at the same time can be used to accentuate any outfit for any occasion. Each piece has a unique design and Teniquesters (persons who wear Tenique Designs jewelry) can expect to see no one else in their jewelry. All accessories are designed and handmade by the owner Nicolette Simms.
Any words of encouragement to women who are looking to start their business?
– Go for it. If you are passionate about something just make a decision to go for it. You may not know the entire process, but find a starting point and go from there. – Ask for help. Seek all the help you can get and form a network of people you can go to for honest opinions. – Do it the right way. You may not be sure if entrepreneurship is right for you, but go ahead and register your business and ensure you are paying the necessary taxes. The last thing you want is to lose money that you do not have. – Start while you have a job, if you do have a job. If you are not much of a risk-taker, like myself, then start your entrepreneurial endeavors while you have a full time job. This way, you can have the necessary funds for your startup, and you will also have a network of people who already know you and will be willing to purchase your products. -Keep going. When you come across disappointments and struggles, keep going. Once you fail at something, it teaches you how to handle it the next time around. Not only does it give you experience, but it also builds character.
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