Inspirational Writer

Are you an Outlier

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I’m an outlier, and if you know anything about statistics, you know that outliers can truly skew data and mess up a bell curve. It is the Achilles heel of statistical data because outliers don’t conform and always sits outside the expected range of statistical probability. Simply put, in the realm of statistical analysis, an outlier is marked as a trouble maker not because it’s different, but because it’s TOO  different.

It also doesn’t matter whether the difference is beneficial or not, it matters only that this non-conformist doesn’t come close to looking like anything else in the group that it is a part of, and it’s annoying. It just doesn’t fit. Humans don’t really mind ‘different’, but it’s difficult to know what to do with anything that’s ‘too different’.

In statistics, outliers are often discarded from the data set; pretended not to exist, which is amazingly similar to what is done to human outliers in the data set of life. What’s even more amazing is that Christ endorses the outlier. In fact, He is the greatest outlier there is. Every person that has accepted His free gift of salvation sits outside the expected statistical probability of eternal life.That’s why we are called a PECULIAR PEOPLE; a royal Priesthood. We don’t ‘fit in’ with the world’s system of how things are done, and it’s angering to the prince of lies.

I’m an outlier and I’m completely okay with that. I don’t try to be; I just am. It became my inheritance the moment I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, and I make no apology for it.

Are you an outlier?

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