Getting clear on who you are is necessary to be and give your best to the world. I believe each of us has a good heart with good intentions. Unfortunately, we also have a side to us that sometimes creates this unrealistic desire to be super–people, that is not how the world works.
All of us as human beings possess unique attributes to freely share with the people who will venture into our spaces. Each of us has a specialty area, a gift—and when we master this specialty area, then collectively pool, the effect will be massive. The world will experience a monumental shift and will become a better place. Why? BECAUSE YOU MADE THE DIFFERENCE
So if women are not clear on where they are or ought to be, then there will always be a missing link, and what is the result—our world is not as it should be—need I say more?
So let’s go:
Here are five ways women can get clear on who they are and reclaim their influence:
What is it that you want or want to do? Who do you want to influence? What is it you feel most passionate about, what is it you fear doing? Or, what is it you get lost in, forgetting time & place?
First Tip:
Get quiet so clarity can come; you must eliminate the noise (people and circumstances) to have the real you manifest.
Second Tip:
Whatever comes (the clarity) usually feels like a huge undertaking. You may feel fear and think, “I could never.” Understand that overall feeling is in part due to the impact that others will experience.
Third Tip:
Envision yourself doing whatever comes; it has to be something that builds excitement and anticipation of the vast possibilities.
Fourth Tip:
It has to be realistic and specific to you. Never pattern your thoughts on someone else or something else that others have done. It is unique to you. We all have our races to run, each of us.
Fifth Tip:
Language change from, I want—to—I am.
Sometimes who we need to become might seem daunting. Allow me to share a life-changing thought with you—we receive our gifts from God. That makes a huge difference when we believe that we are not operating alone and in our strength. So while we might think we are incapable, as Jeremiah thought of himself, God makes us capable. God does not call the equipped; He equips the called, and so whatever you need to do is already done!
It is in you, and the world is waiting.